In the world of fashion, customised polo shirts have carved a niche of their own. Whether you're looking to make a statement at a corporate event, create a unified look for a sports team, or want to flaunt a unique style, personalised polo shirts are the way to go. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the nuances of customising polo shirts, the benefits, and how you can effortlessly order printed polo shirts for men online.

Why Choose Customised Polo Shirts?

Versatility and Style

Polo shirts are renowned for their versatility. They can be dressed up or down, making them suitable for various occasions. Customising these shirts adds an extra layer of personalisation, allowing you to reflect your brand, team, or personal style. With options to add logos, names, and unique designs, men's custom polo shirts become a canvas for creativity.

Corporate Identity

For businesses, custom polo shirts serve as a powerful tool for branding. Employees wearing uniforms with a company logo and colours foster a sense of unity and professionalism. These shirts can be used for promotional events, trade shows, or even as part of the regular office attire. By customising polo shirts, companies can ensure that their brand is consistently represented.

Team Spirit

Unity and team spirit are paramount in sports. Printed polo shirts for men can instil a sense of belonging among team members. Customised with the team's logo and colours, these shirts not only enhance the team's image but also boost morale and camaraderie.

How to Customise Polo Shirts

Step 1: Choose the Right Polo Shirt

Selecting a fitting polo shirt is crucial. Consider the material, fit, and colour. Cotton is a popular choice for its breathability and comfort, while polyester blends offer durability and moisture-wicking properties. Ensure the fit is appropriate for the intended use—a slim fit for a modern look and a regular fit for comfort.

Step 2: Design Your Custom Polo Shirt

Once you've chosen the shirt, the next step is the design. Here, you can unleash your creativity. Most online platforms offer design tools where you can upload logos, add text, and choose colours. It's essential to consider the placement of the design – commonly on the chest, back, or sleeves.

Step 3: Printing Techniques

Understanding the different printing techniques can help you make an informed decision:

  • Screen Printing: Ideal for bulk orders, screen printing offers vibrant colours and durability.
  • Embroidery: Adds a touch of class with a raised design, perfect for corporate settings.
  • Direct-to-Garment (DTG) Printing: Suitable for intricate designs and smaller quantities.
  • Heat Transfer: Best for detailed graphics and multiple colours.

Step 4: Placing Your Order

With the design finalised, it's time to place your order. Ensure you review the design carefully before confirming. Many platforms provide digital proof to give you an idea of the final product. Check for any errors and make necessary adjustments.

Benefits of Ordering Personalised Polo Shirts Online


Ordering personalised work shirts offers unparalleled convenience. You can browse through various styles, materials, and designs from the comfort of your home or office. Online platforms often provide detailed descriptions and customer reviews to help you make an informed choice.


Online customisation platforms often offer competitive prices and discounts for bulk orders. Additionally, you can compare prices across different websites to ensure you get the best deal.

Wide Range of Options

From classic cotton polos to performance-oriented polyester blends, online stores offer a wide range of options. You can choose from various colours, fits, and customisation techniques to suit your specific needs.

Top Tips for Customising Polo Shirts

Keep It Simple

Simplicity is vital when designing long-sleeve work shirts. A clean, straightforward design is often more impactful and versatile. Avoid cluttering the shirt with too many elements.

Consider the Colour Contrast

Ensure there is a good contrast between the shirt colour and the design. This makes the logo or text stand out more prominently. For instance, a white logo on a navy blue shirt is apparent and appealing.

Pay Attention to Placement

The placement of your design is crucial. Typical placements include the left chest, centre chest, and back. Each placement serves a different purpose – the left chest is ideal for logos, while the back is perfect for larger designs or text.

Choose Quality Materials

The material of the polo shirt can significantly impact its look and feel. High-quality materials not only enhance comfort but also ensure the longevity of the shirt and the printed design.

Check Sizing Charts

Sizes can vary between brands and styles. Always refer to the sizing chart provided by the online store to ensure you select the right fit. It's better to measure and compare rather than relying on standard sizes.

Popular Uses for Customised Polo Shirts

Corporate Events and Uniforms

Custom polo shirts are a staple in corporate wardrobes. They are used for events, trade shows, and as part of daily uniforms. With the company logo and colours, these shirts promote brand identity and professionalism.

Sports Teams

For sports teams, custom polo shirts are not just about aesthetics; they are about identity. Teams can choose colours, logos, and player names to create a unified and professional look.

Promotional Merchandise

Businesses often use custom polo shirts as promotional merchandise. Given as gifts to clients or used in marketing campaigns, these shirts help spread brand awareness.

Personal Use

Custom polo shirts are also famous for personal use. Whether it's for a family reunion, a club event, or to flaunt a unique style, these shirts are a great way to express individuality.


Customising polo shirts offers a blend of style, functionality, and personalisation. Whether for corporate use, sports teams, or personal fashion, these shirts serve multiple purposes while allowing for creative expression. With the convenience of online ordering and a myriad of customised clothing options, getting the perfect men's custom polo shirt has always been challenging.